Sunday, January 31, 2010

Peninsular Tour!

I got up at the crack of dawn. literally. Heres a pick from my township:

We went all over Cape Town. First we took a driving tour of the city. Then we drove all along the south western coast to Camps Bay, which is right under Table mountain. This is where you can see the sunsets! We visited Maidens Bay too.

Then we drove down Chapmans drive. This is a very dangerous drive because there's a risk of rocks falling and heavy winds can blow people right off the side. A man and actually was blown off Chapman's peak and died a few days ago. Here's how close the road is to the edge, and how far down the fall would be! In the far distance you can see Sandy Bay which is the only nude beach in South Africa!

We stopped at Boulders Beach to see the cute little south african penguins. An interesting thing about these creatures is that they are monogamous (unlike the president...) and they also trade sitting on the egg. Its so cute! Here's Kristin and I by the penguins.

After Boulders Beach, we drove to Ocean View to get some lunch. Ocean View is a coloured Township. It was so good! They feed us so well here. Some people that live in the township set up a presentation for us. Some woman sang, others did hip hop dancing. It was amazing!

Then we went to Cape of Good Hope (the most south western part of Africa!) Here's Amelia and I posing by the sign to prove it!

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