Thursday, February 4, 2010

Road Trip Day 3!

Today we took our time getting up. We stayed at this place in Outdshoorn which had the cutest kitties!! After breakfast, we stopped at an ostrich farm. I'm standing on an ostrich egg which is so strong it can hold my weight!I got to ride one too!There were 2 black ones and 1 orange one. We ate ostrich eggs for breakfast! They were delicious.

After the farm, Steve let me drive his car! Most of the cars here are manual but also they drive on the other side than we do! That was challenging. I got confused, but overall I got the hang of it enough to take a picture!
On the way home, we checked out the Klipdrift factory. Klipdrift is South African Brandy and we were right there where it's made! The last tour had just started, so they offered us a drink instead. yumyum!

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