Saturday, February 27, 2010

All the bosch's

CIEE has arranged for everyone to attend the Spier Wine Festival in Stellenbosch. Stellenbosch is a very small city, but it's surrounded by luscious vineyards and winery's. At the festival, they had a theme going. You took a personality test to see which wine fit you best. Personally, I liked all the wines, but supposedly my "wine" was Lazy. Here I am being Lazy by the sign. I can't tell you what Matthew is doing. There was delicious watermelon for only R9! We got 5 tickets to try out different wines. By the end, they were handing out the tickets to get rid of! We had our fair share of wine! Erin and I got our faces painted!

After Stellenbosch, everyone was very tired! We spent the whole day there! We went to Kirstenbosch to see the Soweto Gospel Choir! They were amazing!! We didn't bring any wine because we still had lots left over in our systems already! From L-R there's Kristin, Matthew, Beth Anne, Daniel, Volngani, Alex and Jenny.

Friday, February 26, 2010

I have found my calling!

As a bartender???
Tonight, Matthew and Thomas were having a party in their flat for all to join! I acted as the "bartender" mixing drinks for everyone, opening beers, salvaging perfect bottle caps for Andy...and spilling a few in the process...
Everyone thought I was a great bartender. It must have been my excellent customer service! Nordstrom taught me well... I got R20 in tips! woohoo

During the night, SOMEHOW....accident prone Andy hurt his foot this time...I rushed to his side and bandaged up his wounds. At least he didn't need stitches this time. I would've had to choose between bartending and Andy! (oh dear!) We are now keeping track of how many incidents Andy occurs over the semester. I swear I'm getting more medical experience from him than I will at the hospital!

Sunday, February 21, 2010

A day at Sandy Bay......

Today, the girls and I went to the only nude beach in South Africa! It's called Sandy Bay! But we call it sleezy bay... here's Ashley, Chelsea, Alex and Erin displaying the sign. They are beautiful Vana's.
Just like it says...we were all disappointed about this sign!

It was very nice and relaxing, however we did meet a few creepy guys. It's a co-ed beach but it's so nice to see how everyone is so relaxed and they don't care about their bodies. I don't know if I would go as far as it being a humbling experience...but I definitely know what to expect next time!
On the way back, we hitched a ride with some very nice boys. Their names were Ron and Remus.

Saturday, February 20, 2010

Rugby Game!

Tonight we went to a local South African Rugby game. It was fun! I wasn't paying attention so I don't actually know who won...but regardless. Here I am with accident prone andy doing "the andy"

Sunday, February 14, 2010

Valentines day at the Gardens

Today is Valentines day! For the most part, I was so sad I couldn't be with my valentine, but we had a "taken but abroad" get together. Kirstenbosch gardens has summer concerts every Sunday afternoon and it's so nice! This place is beautiful and it reminds me a lot of the Zoo concerts by my house in Seattle. Admission is only R70 and you get to bring your own sweets and treats. We brought wine, cheese and crackers.

From L-R, it's 'goofy' Jake, Me, Matthew and Kristin.

It's such a great community, and the people here are so fun!

From L-R we have, accident prone Andy, Erin, Daniel, Matthew, me, Kristin and goofy Jake.

Here's accident prone Andy, doing "the Andy". Notice his hand. He recently cut his hand when he was working on his bike, so we had to go to the hospital. This is how he was holding his hand the whole time. I couldn't help but take a picture...

Saturday, February 6, 2010


Today was the first time I surfed here in Cape Town. I have to say it was a bit disappointing. The waves were weak and I could barely stand on the board before the wave died... after 2 hours I decided to return my board that I hired and hit the dunes to sun bathe. Right as I was paddling back in, there was a really loud siren and people waving on the beach to come in. I also noticed a white flag when there was a red one before. I knew immediately that I should get out of the water! Once I got out, I realized that the shark watchers on the mountain saw a shark in the area and that's why we had to evacuate. Here's the view of the evacuated beach! A Muizenburg local explained the different flags that they put up. A green flag means there is good visibility. A red one means there was a shark spotted within the past 30 minutes right outside the "safe zone". Red and green are usually put up together. A black flag means there was a shark in the area within the past 2 hours. A white flag with a black shark means GET OUT OF THE WATER NOW!After an hour of the water being clear, the black flag is put up and people can go back in the water. I was land locked by then and there was no way I would go back in that water!
After the beach some friends and I were on the search to find good sushi. We found this Chinese restaurant that has 50% off sushi all day! We feasted.

Thursday, February 4, 2010

Road Trip Day 3!

Today we took our time getting up. We stayed at this place in Outdshoorn which had the cutest kitties!! After breakfast, we stopped at an ostrich farm. I'm standing on an ostrich egg which is so strong it can hold my weight!I got to ride one too!There were 2 black ones and 1 orange one. We ate ostrich eggs for breakfast! They were delicious.

After the farm, Steve let me drive his car! Most of the cars here are manual but also they drive on the other side than we do! That was challenging. I got confused, but overall I got the hang of it enough to take a picture!
On the way home, we checked out the Klipdrift factory. Klipdrift is South African Brandy and we were right there where it's made! The last tour had just started, so they offered us a drink instead. yumyum!